Learn how to craft stories in the 2020’s

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Previous Issues Of The Saturday Storyteller

4 Shameless Reasons Why You Should Write for the Money

4 Shameless Reasons Why You Should Write for the Money

Read Time: 4 minutesPeople preach that "you shouldn't write for the money." They proclaim you should strictly do it for the love of the craft. Or your audience. Or other honorable reasons. But those people have forsaken you. Because you should write for the money, and...

Don’t Fail to Cast This Key Role in Your Story

Don’t Fail to Cast This Key Role in Your Story

Read Time: 3 minutesIn 2018, I moved to a cabin in the woods. I was tired of busy weekends, heavy traffic, and waving neighbors. Plus I wanted more privacy and the chance to explore the unknown. So I convinced my wife and two kids to move from our California suburb to...

The Simple Trick to Infusing High Stakes in Your Story

The Simple Trick to Infusing High Stakes in Your Story

Read Time: 3 minutesMy first story coach offered me a refund. Full or partial. Whatever I needed to feel whole. Why? An emailed explained my eligibility. Here are a few quotes: “I couldn’t tell you the main storyline.” “I can’t tell you, with confidence, what anybody...

How to Win Fans & Influence Readers

How to Win Fans & Influence Readers

Hi. 🤓 David here. This is the debut edition of The Saturday Storyteller. Each Saturday morning, I share actionable insights on crafting stories that connect with readers. This week’s tip takes less than four minutes to digest. Keep creating! The epiphany struck in the...