4 Direct Disciplines to Help You Succeed as a Perfectionist

4 Direct Disciplines to Help You Succeed as a Perfectionist

I want to be perfect. Yet I know that’s not happening. Like ever. But I still want it. And worse. I want you to be perfect. I want you to always smile back when I smile. I want you to always say “you’re welcome” in response to my “thank you.” I want you to always...
4 Shameless Reasons Why You SHOULD Write for the Money

4 Shameless Reasons Why You SHOULD Write for the Money

People preach that “you shouldn’t write for the money.” They proclaim you should strictly do it for the love of the craft. Or your audience. Or other honorable reasons. Unfortunately, these people have forsaken you. Because you should write for the...
5 Wicked Ways Your Writing Dreams Are Crushing Your Soul

5 Wicked Ways Your Writing Dreams Are Crushing Your Soul

You know your purpose in life. So you dream of your words connecting with readers. You dream of finishing a story you’re proud to share with the world. You dream of your pages spreading like wildfire across blogs, book clubs, and best-seller lists. And while...
3 Life Lessons from The Write Practice Retreat (fun photos included)

3 Life Lessons from The Write Practice Retreat (fun photos included)

A woman holding a rose in a book waited for me. The plane landed and I texted her I was in route to the agreed upon atrium. As I disembarked the aircraft, I began to consider why I put myself in this situation. Was I mentally prepared to surround myself with strangers...
The Twisted Truth About Becoming the Writer You’re Meant to Be

The Twisted Truth About Becoming the Writer You’re Meant to Be

You’re not fooling anyone. I know what you really look like underneath that human costume. Yep, I know what you are, and it’s not normal. In fact, you’re not even from this plane. You’re a stranger visiting a strange land. You don’t remember though, do you? Huh, maybe...
The Most Overlooked Thing You DON’T Need to Become a Real Writer

The Most Overlooked Thing You DON’T Need to Become a Real Writer

My best friend no showed my wedding. To be fair he was only my best friend during my teenage years, but he still missed my wedding. It went down like this… I invited him to my wedding. He RSVPed he’d attend with a guest. He no showed. A few years later I ran into him,...