“I wish to wash away her wishy washy ways.”

I made this wish known in a poem.

It wasn’t my best writing at the time.

Wishy washy were her ways though,

Until one day, my wish came true and we both said, “I love you.

Can one create whatever one wishes?

What does one wish to create?

What is created from one wish?

What created one wish?

I wish to wash away my wishy washy ways.

Finally, I’m making new wishes.

They’re my best at this time.

Within them wash away my wishy washy ways,

So now I’m wishing for others inside today.

I wish to wash away your wishy washy ways.

Can you create whatever you wish?

What do you wish to create?

What is created from your wish?

What created your wish?

Away washes the world of wishy washy ways.