Read Time: 1 minute When I first started writing stories, I dreamed of time traveling five years into the future. I imagined myself with storytelling superpowers. And now, 22 years later, I feel like I’m finally in the future. Because on top of my own expertise and...
Read Time: 4 minutes Taking shortcuts to make progress can hold you back. I know firsthand. For instance, this past week I drowned in business buffoonery due to technological issues caused by my own ill-timed switching of web hosts. So in the spirit of learning...
Read Time: Grab a snack (16 min) Mention terms such as plot diagrams or structure to some writers, and they cringe. Such folks tend to believe these models cause the death of spontaneity and creativity. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, a firm grasp...
Read Time: 3 minutes The New Year can bring in different ways to get in your own way. I’m here to make sure that doesn’t happen to you. Check out these 12 quotes along with my 12 takes to keep creating in 2023. 1. Napoleon Hill said, Self-discipline begins with the...
Read Time: 3 minutes On New Year’s Eve when the clock strikes midnight, a new world will be born. It’s a world filled with future possibilities—like flying cars, sentient AI, and your published novel. But before we meet any of those potential timelines in the...
Read Time: 3 minutes Do you remember the moment you realized you were destined to be a storyteller? I’ve read about people knowing at an early age that writing was their life calling. Their self-awareness compels me to wear a Scrooge-like demeanor because I’m not that...
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