Read Time: 4 minutes

Ever feel like your imagination’s gone on strike?

One minute you’re flowing with ideas, and the next, you’re staring at a blank page.

You’re not alone. Every storyteller faces this challenge at some point. In fact, I’ve recently encountered this crisis.

In this issue of TSS, we’ll explore strategies to climb over that wall, break through the block, and get your story moving forward again.

The Insidious Nature of Creative Block in Storytelling

Creative block isn’t a minor inconvenience.

It’s a big problem that casts a shadow over your storytelling, hiding your creativity.

This shadow can take many forms, each one chipping away at your passion and drive:

  • Loss of Excitement: What begins as boredom can escalate into a complete lack of desire to develop your story.
  • Feeling Worn Out: Beyond mere fatigue, this is a mental exhaustion that can seep into other aspects of life.
  • Frustration and Worry: Initial excitement turns into a never-ending cycle of dissatisfaction, leading to self-doubt.
  • Physical Changes: These can manifest as sleep disturbances or changes in eating habits.
  • Too Much TV: Intended research devolves into procrastination, a trap that keeps you away from creative writing.
  • Endless Research: The pursuit of perfection leads to constant information hunting.
  • Avoiding Fellow Writers: A feeling of inadequacy may cause you to withdraw from your community, leading to isolation and loneliness.

Misguided Solutions to Creative Block

Many attempt to break free from creative block using strategies that often fall short:

Pushing Through:

  • What it is: Forcing creativity through determination.
  • Why it fails: Like opening a delicate flower with a hammer, it destroys what it aims to foster.

Copying Others:

  • What it is: Mimicking another’s style.
  • Why it fails: Removes your unique voice, leading to insincere work.

Short Breaks:

  • What it is: Taking quick breaks to refresh the mind.
  • Why it fails: Like a band-aid on a wound needing stitches, this doesn’t resolve the underlying issue.

Setting Strict Deadlines:

  • What it is: Tight schedules to combat procrastination.
  • Why it fails: Like trying to grow a plant faster by overwatering, it can harm more than helps.

Searching for Inspiration Online:

  • What it is: Scrolling online for inspiration.
  • Why it fails: It’s akin to looking for a needle in a haystack; focus is lost. Plus doomscrolling is a real thing. 🙂

Relying on a Single Perfect Idea:

  • What it is: Waiting for the perfect idea.
  • Why it fails: Like waiting for the perfect wave, it leads to endless waiting.

Unlocking Personalized Solutions

Rather than dwelling on the common mistakes and why they fail, let’s pivot our attention to something more constructive.

The heart of overcoming creative block lies not in generic strategies but in a deeply personal and intuitive approach.

Creativity isn’t a one-size-fits-all phenomenon, and neither are the solutions to its challenges.

Strategies for Storytellers

The real way to escape creative block requires a profound connection with oneself.

As a writer, storyteller, or screenwriter, your path to unlocking creativity will be as unique as your artistic voice. Common methods might scratch the surface, but they rarely reach the core.

What you need is a fresh approach, tailored just for a creative mind like yours.

Here’s a reimagined path, tailor-made for the artistic soul:

a. Integrate Rest and Non-Writing Creativity:

Unlike taking a simple break, integrating rest with other artistic pursuits can rejuvenate you. It’s not about disconnecting from creativity but redirecting it.

  • Strategy: Embrace hobbies or arts that fuel your soul. Rediscover the joy of creation without pressure or expectations.
  • Opportunity: Exploring other forms of artistic expression can lead to unexpected connections and inspirations, enriching your main creative pursuit.

b. Find a Writing Partner or Community:

In the solitary world of writing, human connections can make all the difference.

  • Strategy: Collaboration breeds innovation. Engage with like-minded peers to rekindle the creative spark.
  • Insight: Community support fosters a nurturing environment, helping you regain your footing.

c. Return to Your Storytelling Roots:

The very essence that drew you to storytelling may hold the key to reawakening your passion.

  • Strategy: What inspired you to write? Revisiting that source can reignite passion.
  • Reflection: Reflect on past works, success, and even failures. There’s a story in every experience.
  • AI Activity: Play with ChatGPT by sequencing your Writing DNA.This prompt will help you reflect on your favorite memories, hobbies, and works that have shaped your creative identity.

ChatGPT Prompt – edit the bold text in [brackets]:

Based on my personal Sample DNA listed below, generate a Writing DNA Analysis for me using the instructions provided:

Sample Writing DNA:

* Favorite childhood memory: [Customize your entry here, e.g., Playing with GI Joes in mud in backyard]

* Favorite hobby or activity (other than writing): [Customize your entry here, e.g., Creating visual narratives with generative-AI tools]

* Favorite movie(s) or book(s): [Customize your entry here, e.g., Odd Thomas (novel), The Vampire Lestat (novel), Donnie Darko (movie),  Arrival (movie)]


1. Analyze my favorite childhood memory, unearthing themes and emotions that could inspire new writing directions, focusing on unconventional, thought-provoking and creative connections.

2. Reflect on my favorite hobby or activity, uncovering a distinct, out-of-the-box perspective that captures the essence of my individuality as a creative writer. Suggest ways to intertwine this uniqueness into my storytelling.

3. Compare my favorite book(s) or movie(s) to the works of a renowned author/creator, identifying a shared storytelling element that could be the writer’s signature style. Help me make new connections between stories and rejuvenate my creative juices.

Writing DNA Test Analysis:

[Insert a comprehensive yet non-generic exploration based on the Sample DNA criteria. Unveil methods, insights, techniques, and styles that could become my own as a writer, encouraging me to see unexpected insights and explore these elements.]

d. Embrace New Genres or Techniques:

Sometimes, the antidote to staleness is the thrill of something entirely new.

  • Strategy: Exploration stimulates creativity. Experiment with different writing forms to break out of a rut.
  • Opportunity: Workshops and classes open doors to unexplored territories, reawakening curiosity.
  • AI Activity: Create a universe of your own using ChatGPT. Take a simple scene or setting and use AI to tap into all five senses. Time travel to the past or future. Build a new or different world. This exercise will not only enhance your world-building skills but could ignite a spark for a new story or add depth to an existing work.

ChatGPT Prompt – edit the bold text in [brackets]:

Generate a SETTING for the time period of: [Customize your time period, e.g., Dawn of the multiverse, 1448 A.D., Near future where music shapes reality]

From a second-person POV, utilize the five human senses to depict the setting in a way that’s innovative, imaginative, and beyond the expected. But do not overproduce the output because it must read at a 7th grade reading level. However, each sense’s description should summon one-of-a-kind, atypical, and extraordinary sensory experiences, challenging conventional perceptions.

The SETTING should include:

1.Sights: [Describe unique visual elements]

2.Sounds: [Portray uncommon auditory experiences]

3.Touch: [Detail textures and physical sensations]

4.Tastes: [Convey flavors and gastronomic nuances]

5.Smells: [Express distinctive olfactory impressions]

Push the boundaries of creativity by integrating psychology, history, and human behavior to craft sensory experiences that resonate authentically with the chosen time period. Let this setting breathe life into the story.

e. Utilize AI for Fresh Perspectives:

The intersection of technology and creativity is uncharted territory, filled with potential.

  • Strategy: Technology like AI can be a partner in creativity, offering unexpected insights and angles.
  • Opportunity: AI tools provide the chance to explore unique narratives and perspectives, enriching your storytelling experience.

f. Seek Professional Guidance if Needed:

Creative block might mask deeper issues that require expert intervention.

  • Strategy: Sometimes, the issue goes beyond creative fatigue. Therapists specializing in creative fields can provide personalized strategies.
  • Insight: Expert guidance can provide targeted solutions and understanding, addressing underlying issues that may hinder creativity.

The Path Forward

Creative block has no one-size-fits-all solution.

Overcoming it is an adventure, unique to each storyteller. So I encourage you to experiment with these strategies to get your creative juices flowing again.

Your stories await, and the world needs to hear them!

That’s it for this Saturday.

If you’re finding value in the Saturday Storyteller newsletter, consider sharing it with a fellow creative writer.

See ya next week!

— Dave