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Module 2: Story Heart

Lesson 6 (of 6) – Story Summary

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Read and complete the entire Fast Draft Process as a:  Digital Playbook (editable workbook PDF) or Print Playbook (Paperback workbook)

Playbook Action Step(s):

Action Step #1 – Your story summary:

Simplify your story into one sentence

Focus your story at its core.

Breaking down your story into its simplest form solidifies exactly what your story is all about, and it helps you share it with others (if desired).

Here is where you will take four components that you’ve already created and organize them in a specific order to generate your Story Summary.

Review the examples, then place your components into the provided formula.

– What is your one-sentence Story Summary?

Please create your Story Summary using the formula below:

Story Summary:
   Your protagonist in a complicated situation
the core conflict (related to antagonist’s story goal)
one primary layer of the setting (time, place, etc.)
the story goal of your protagonist
= Story Summary


   A simple hobbit is hunted
by a Dark Lord seeking a powerful ring,
and the hobbit is forced to flee his peaceful Shire
+ to destroy the ring and save Middleearth.
= The Lord of the Rings

   A cheating husband is suspected of murder when
his wife goes missing
in the quaint town of North Carthage, Missouri,
and he must uncover the truth to prove his innocence.
= Gone Girl

Has the Fast Draft Process helped you create your story in a new way?

If so, would you be open to sharing this course with a fellow storyteller?

Maybe you’ll be helping someone create the story they’ve always wanted to write?

