The Narrative Power of the Story Spine

The Narrative Power of the Story Spine

Read Time: 4 minutes Every great story, from ancient myths to modern blockbusters, captivates its audience with a compelling narrative. At the heart of these unforgettable tales lies a timeless principle: the Story Spine. Developed by playwright Kenn Adams, the Story...
10 Storytelling Secrets Decoded by ChatGPT

10 Storytelling Secrets Decoded by ChatGPT

Read Time: 2 minutes I asked GPT-4 to share the 10 most interesting facts it knows about the art and craft of storytelling. I must admit, it told me some things I didn’t know: 1. When we hear stories, our brains release oxytocin, a hormone associated with...
8 Essential Strategies for Compelling Narratives

8 Essential Strategies for Compelling Narratives

Read Time: 3 minutes Want to create stories that keep audiences up at night? Well, you’ll need every trick you can muster. Get ahead of the pack by applying these bite-sized tips when developing your work-in-progress: 1. Adore Your Story Either love your plot...
7 Pillars for Creating Characters that Captivate

7 Pillars for Creating Characters that Captivate

Read Time: 3 minutes Dynamic characters breathe life into every gripping narrative. If they’re cardboard cutouts, your story is DOA. Today we’re assembling seven vital pillars for character building. Then you’ll get a ChatGPT prompt to develop your story’s cast. Let’s...