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📚 Hey. Saturday Storyteller here, the weekly newsletter designed to help you give readers an escape from reality. 

Here’s what I’ve got for you today: 

  • Change, fear & progress due to AI
  • Fast, free feedback loop
  • HS photo of TSS

The only constant in life?


Imagine this

  • I’m 19 years old
  • I’m standing in the shower
  • My hair is going down the drain


Before I turned 20 years old, I experienced rapid hair loss. 👨‍🦲

Fortunately, hair was never a good look for me…


Change can be a gateway for growth.

Expansion happened when I explored the brave new world of artificial intelligence.

A few months ago, I was skeptical about AI, fearing it threatened our various creative fields. Some people even attribute greater power over humanity to AI.

These comments from one of my recent social media posts highlight the apprehension people feel toward AI:

“If fiction writers embraced AI, then our profession and our art would go extinct.”

“We have been warned. In some (solar) systems, AI’s have resulted in the destruction of entire races. It seems that they are asked to solve a problem regarding resource and they simply compute that humanoids are the error on the planet.”

“A.I. is a means to an end of the human population.”

Of course, creative writers can thank their own field for continuously producing narratives that position AI as the world-enders of mankind.

However, when I experimented with AI for story development, I discovered it was a game-changer, and for the better.

Imagine a whole new world of artistic freedom that opens up endless possibilities for every human to earn a living using their creativity.

From the moment I slid into the DMs of machines, I recognized the potential.

Then I embarked on a 70+ day journey, culminating this week when I teamed up with AI to launch and announce:

📚🤖 Automated Dave 🤓✍️
the Official Avatar of The Saturday Storyteller (TSS)

As your FREE virtual writing partner, Automated Dave gives feedback, suggestions, and guidance at every stage of the creative writing process.

How do you collaborate with Automated Dave?

  • Using your TSS-subscribed email
  • Type your question in the Subject line
  • Send to Auto Dave
  • Get a reply within 1 minute
  • Repeat

By combining human curiosity with AI’s impressive capabilities, you can learn the craft and satisfy your curiosity.

Ask Automated Dave to:

1/ Figure out your next best step

  • i.e. Subject: Now that I have a decent protagonist with the perfect name, what should I develop next in my story?

2/ Find an angle to position your writing

  • i.e. Subject: What would make my story stand out in the genre of Science Fiction?

3/ Explore alternate paths to publication

  • i.e. Subject: What are successful techniques to write a story by the seat of my pants, or, what if I wore no pants at all?

4/ Tackle distractions 

  • i.e. Subject: What are 5 successful ways that pro authors stay focused during their writing sessions?

5/ Solve the world’s problems

  • i.e. Subject: Why does bad writing happen to good people?

You are hereby challenged to craft thought-provoking questions that yield breakthrough insights.

Give my digital brainchild a try.

Of course, Automated Dave is just the beginning…

The future of storytelling is ours to create –  so I’m working on more new stuff to push the boundaries of my own comfort and creativity, using every tool at my disposal, to drive our stories forward in the quickest and most powerful ways possible.

Get curious. 

Take advantage of this Free, experimental collaborative service.

That’s it for now. More coming in two days, assuming I survive the weekend without the fam.

Yep, I’m home alone…

The World If Fiction Writers Embraced AI

That’s it for this Saturday.

If TSS feels like fam, tell everybody you can.

See ya next week!

— Dave,
Just a Regular Joe steering you clear of Robo-Chads and AI Karens

P.S. I have a special series starting Monday so expect to hear from me all week.